Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Real Racing 2 HD to support wireless FullHD gaming over AirPlay, makes us want to have the Wii U even less

I must admit, I wasn’t impressed by the Nintendo Wii U when it was announced a couple of days back at the E3 2011. And the way Nintendo’s shares are going down, neither is anyone else. And now Firemint, the company that created the popular iOS game Real Racing 2 HD will be bringing wireless FullHD gaming over AirPlay to your TV screen, a feature that will kick devices like the Wii U squarely in the nuts.

gsmarena 001 Real Racing 2 HD to support wireless FullHD gaming over AirPlay, makes us want to have the Wii U even less

Now currently, Real Racing 2 HD is able to stream 1080p output from an iPad 2 to a TV screen through the HDMI connection but with iOS 5 developers will be able to stream the same output wirelessly to an Apple TV using the new AirPlay Mirroring function in iOS 5. And it’s not traditional mirroring we are talking about here, where the iPad’s output is displayed on the screen in 4:3 aspect ratio. You will see the game on your TV screen in native resolution without any borders while your iPad 2′s display will show racing telemetry in real time. You still control the game the same way, by tilting it from side to side but now without the cable sticking out from the side.

This feature has got great potential to improve gaming on tablets. Instead of putting everything on one screen, developers can split the content across two screens. I can’t wait till more games start supporting this feature. Of course, we will have to wait for iOS 5 to come out first, which will happen in fall.


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