Nested inside a historic building in uptown Minneapolis that sat vacant for almost 20 years previously housing a print shop and a car dealership, you will now find the very cool offices of the advertising agencyMono. In a neighborhood known for funky shops, eateries and apartments, the entrance to Mono’s office is easily distinguishable by its boldly colored blue door, which upon entering leads visitors down a path of finished concrete floors that still have flicks of color from the old print shop. The design of the Mono offices was a collaboration between Mono’s co-founder Chris Lange, and architect Charlie Lazor or Lazor Office and Flatpak House, who together aimed to transform the space into a open place where creative ideas could roam free, a notion well visible in the final result. The same blue from the entrance door can be found accenting the offices bright white walls, as well as on ceiling beams and office doors, including a refinished barn door that slides open to reveal a modern conference room lined with Herman Miller Embody chairs. Ditching the traditional cubicles, Mono’s employees sprout their creative genius from very interesting looking work “pods” that surround the heart of the office.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Mono Ad Agency Office
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